300 |
How do I change the cell's foreground color
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items h = .AddItem("Cell 1") .CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2" .CellForeColor(h,1) = RGB(255,0,0) End With End With |
299 |
How do I change the visual effect for the cell, using your EBN files
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .VisualAppearance.Add(1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn") .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items h = .AddItem("Cell 1") .CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2" .CellBackColor(h,1) = &H1000000 End With End With |
298 |
How do I change the cell's background color
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items h = .AddItem("Cell 1") .CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2" .CellBackColor(h,1) = RGB(255,0,0) End With End With |
297 |
How do I change the caption or value for a particular cell
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem("Cell 1"),1) = "Cell 2" End With End With |
296 |
How do I get the handle of the cell
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .CellBold(Nothing,.ItemCell(h,0)) = True End With End With |
295 |
How do I retrieve the focused item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .ItemBold(.FocusItem) = True End With End With |
294 |
How do I get the number or count of child items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .AddItem(.ChildCount(h)) End With End With |
293 |
How do I enumerate the visible items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True h = .AddItem("Root 2") .ItemBold(.FirstVisibleItem) = True .ItemBold(.NextVisibleItem(.FirstVisibleItem)) = True End With End With |
292 |
How do I enumerate the siblings items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True h = .AddItem("Root 2") .ItemBold(.NextSiblingItem(.FirstVisibleItem)) = True .ItemBold(.PrevSiblingItem(.NextSiblingItem(.FirstVisibleItem))) = True End With End With |
291 |
How do I get the parent item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .ItemBold(.ItemParent(.ItemChild(h))) = True End With End With |
290 |
How do I get the first child item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .ItemBold(.ItemChild(h)) = True End With End With |
289 |
How do I enumerate the root items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True h = .AddItem("Root 2") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ItemBold(.RootItem(0)) = True .ItemUnderline(.RootItem(1)) = True End With End With |
288 |
I have a hierarchy, how can I count the number of root items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True h = .AddItem("Root 2") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .AddItem(.RootCount) End With End With |
287 |
How can I make an item unselectable, or not selectable
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Column") With .Items h = .AddItem("unselectable - you can't get selected") .SelectableItem(h) = False .AddItem("selectable") End With End With |
286 |
How can I hide or show an item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Column") With .Items h = .AddItem("hidden") .ItemHeight(h) = 0 .SelectableItem(h) = False .AddItem("visible") End With End With |
285 |
How can I change the height for all items
With AxG2antt1 .DefaultItemHeight = 32 .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem("One") .Items.AddItem("Two") End With |
284 |
How do I change the height of an item
With AxG2antt1 .ScrollBySingleLine = True .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemHeight(.AddItem("height")) = 128 End With .Items.AddItem("enabled") End With |
283 |
How do I disable or enable an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .EnableItem(.AddItem("disabled")) = False End With .Items.AddItem("enabled") End With |
282 |
How do I display as strikeout a cell
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellStrikeOut(.AddItem("strikeout"),0) = True End With End With |
281 |
How do I display as strikeout a cell or an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellValueFormat(.AddItem("gets <s>strikeout</s> only a portion of text"),0) = EXG2ANTTLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML End With End With |
280 |
How do I display as strikeout an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemStrikeOut(.AddItem("strikeout")) = True End With End With |
279 |
How do I underline a cell
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellUnderline(.AddItem("underline"),0) = True End With End With |
278 |
How do I underline a cell or an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellValueFormat(.AddItem("gets <u>underline</u> only a portion of text"),0) = EXG2ANTTLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML End With End With |
277 |
How do I underline an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemUnderline(.AddItem("underline")) = True End With End With |
276 |
How do I display as italic a cell
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellItalic(.AddItem("italic"),0) = True End With End With |
275 |
How do I display as italic a cell or an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellValueFormat(.AddItem("gets <i>italic</i> only a portion of text"),0) = EXG2ANTTLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML End With End With |
274 |
How do I display as italic an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemItalic(.AddItem("italic")) = True End With End With |
273 |
How do I bold a cell
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellBold(.AddItem("bold"),0) = True End With End With |
272 |
How do I bold a cell or an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .CellValueFormat(.AddItem("gets <b>bold</b> only a portion of text"),0) = EXG2ANTTLib.ValueFormatEnum.exHTML End With End With |
271 |
How do I bold an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemBold(.AddItem("bold")) = True End With End With |
270 |
How do I change the foreground color for the item
Dim h,hC With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .ItemForeColor(hC) = RGB(255,0,0) .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
269 |
How do I change the visual appearance for the item, using your EBN technology
268 |
How do I change the background color for the item
Dim h,hC With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") hC = .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .ItemBackColor(hC) = RGB(255,0,0) .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
267 |
How do I expand or collapse an item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
266 |
How do I associate an extra data to an item
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .ItemData(.AddItem("item")) = "your extra data" End With End With |
265 |
How do I get the number or count of items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With With .Items .AddItem(.ItemCount) End With End With |
264 |
How can I specify the width of the ActiveX control, when using the InsertControlItem property
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .ScrollBySingleLine = False .TreeColumnIndex = 1 .DrawGridLines = EXG2ANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") .Columns.Add("C3") With .Items h = .InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSCAL.Calendar") .ItemWidth(h) = 128 .CellValue(h,0) = "This is a bit of text that is shown in the first column" .CellSingleLine(h,0) = EXG2ANTTLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap .CellValue(h,2) = "This is a bit of text that is shown in the third column" .CellSingleLine(h,2) = EXG2ANTTLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap End With End With |
263 |
How can I put the ActiveX control in a different column, when using the InsertControlItem property
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .ScrollBySingleLine = False .DrawGridLines = EXG2ANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") .Columns.Add("C3") With .Items h = .InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSCAL.Calendar") .CellValue(h,0) = "This is a bit of text that is shown in the first column" .CellSingleLine(h,0) = EXG2ANTTLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap .ItemWidth(h) = -32001 .CellValue(h,2) = "This is a bit of text that is shown in the third column" .CellSingleLine(h,2) = EXG2ANTTLib.CellSingleLineEnum.exCaptionWordWrap End With End With |
262 |
Is there any function I can use to get the program or the control identifier I've been using when called the InsertControlItem
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") .ScrollBySingleLine = False .LinesAtRoot = EXG2ANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot With .Items h = .InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSCAL.Calendar") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,.ItemControlID(h)) .ExpandItem(h) = True h = .InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSChart20Lib.MSChart") .ItemAppearance(h) = EXG2ANTTLib.AppearanceEnum.Etched .InsertItem(h,Nothing,.ItemControlID(h)) .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
261 |
How can I change the height of newly created ActiveX control, using the InsertControlItem
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") .ScrollBySingleLine = False With .Items .ItemHeight(.InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSCAL.Calendar")) = 64 .ItemAppearance(.InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSChart20Lib.MSChart")) = EXG2ANTTLib.AppearanceEnum.Etched End With End With |
260 |
How can I change the border for newly created ActiveX control, using the InsertControlItem
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") .ScrollBySingleLine = False With .Items .ItemAppearance(.InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSCAL.Calendar")) = EXG2ANTTLib.AppearanceEnum.Sunken .ItemAppearance(.InsertControlItem(Nothing,"MSChart20Lib.MSChart")) = EXG2ANTTLib.AppearanceEnum.Etched End With End With |
259 |
How can I access the properties and methods for an ActiveX control that I've just added using the InsertControlItem
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") With .ItemObject(.InsertControlItem(h,"MSCAL.Calendar")) .BackColor = RGB(255,255,255) .GridCellEffect = 0 .ShowTitle = False .ShowDateSelectors = False End With .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
258 |
How can I access the properties and methods for an ActiveX control that I've just added using the InsertControlItem
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") With .ItemObject(.InsertControlItem(h,"MSCAL.Calendar")) .BackColor = RGB(255,255,255) End With .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
257 |
How can I insert an ActiveX control
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") .InsertControlItem(h,"MSCAL.Calendar") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
256 |
How can I change at runtime the parent of the item
Dim hC,hP With AxG2antt1 .LinesAtRoot = EXG2ANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items hP = .AddItem("Root") hC = .AddItem("Child") .SetParent(hC,hP) End With End With |
255 |
How can I sort the items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True End With .Columns.Item("Default").SortOrder = EXG2ANTTLib.SortOrderEnum.SortDescending End With |
254 |
How do I sort the child items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items h = .AddItem("Root") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 1") .InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Child 2") .ExpandItem(h) = True .SortChildren(h,0,False) End With End With |
253 |
How can I ensure or scroll the control so the item fits the control's client area
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") h = .Items.AddItem("item") .Items.EnsureVisibleItem(h) End With |
252 |
How can I remove or delete all items
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") .Items.AddItem("removed item") .Items.RemoveAllItems() End With |
251 |
How can I remove or delete an item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Default") h = .Items.AddItem("removed item") .Items.RemoveItem(h) End With |
250 |
How can I add or insert child items
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .LinesAtRoot = EXG2ANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items h = .AddItem("Cell 1") .CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 2" .CellValue(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 3"),1) = "Cell 4" .CellValue(.InsertItem(h,Nothing,"Cell 5"),1) = "Cell 6" .ExpandItem(h) = True End With End With |
249 |
How can I add or insert a child item
With AxG2antt1 .LinesAtRoot = EXG2ANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot .Columns.Add("Default") With .Items .InsertItem(.AddItem("root"),Nothing,"child") End With End With |
248 |
How can I add or insert an item
Dim h With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("C2") With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem("Cell 1"),1) = "Cell 2" h = .AddItem("Cell 3") .CellValue(h,1) = "Cell 4" End With End With |
247 |
How can I add or insert an item
246 |
How can I get the columns as they are shown in the control's sortbar
Dim var_Object With AxG2antt1 var_Object = .Columns.ItemBySortPosition(0) End With |
245 |
How can I access the properties of a column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("A") .Columns.Item("A").HeaderBold = True End With |
244 |
How can I remove all the columns
243 |
How can I remove a column
242 |
How can I get the number or the count of columns
Dim var_Count With AxG2antt1 var_Count = .Columns.Count End With |
241 |
How can I change the font for all cells in the entire column
Dim f With AxG2antt1 f = CreateObject("StdFont") With f .Name = "Tahoma" .Size = 12 End With With .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") .Font = f .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
240 |
How can I change the background color for all cells in the column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .BackColor = RGB(255,0,0) .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
239 |
How can I change the foreground color for all cells in the column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
238 |
How can I show as strikeout all cells in the column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .StrikeOut = True .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
237 |
How can I underline all cells in the column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .Underline = True .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
236 |
How can I show in italic all data in the column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .Italic = True .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
235 |
How can I bold the entire column
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("1") With var_ConditionalFormat .Bold = True .ApplyTo = EXG2ANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum.exFormatToColumns End With .Columns.Add("Column") .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
234 |
How can I display a computed column and highlight some values that are negative or less than a value
Dim var_ConditionalFormat With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("A") .Columns.Add("B") .Columns.Add("(A+B)*1.19").ComputedField = "(dbl(%0) + dbl(%1)) * 1.19" With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 2 End With With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(10),1) = 20 End With var_ConditionalFormat = .ConditionalFormats.Add("dbl(%2) > 10") With var_ConditionalFormat .Bold = True .ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) .ApplyTo = &H2 End With End With |
233 |
Can I display a computed column so it displays the VAT, or SUM
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("A") .Columns.Add("B") .Columns.Add("(A+B)*1.19").ComputedField = "(dbl(%0) + dbl(%1)) * 1.19" With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 2 End With With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(10),1) = 20 End With End With |
232 |
How can I show a column that adds values in the cells
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("A") .Columns.Add("B") .Columns.Add("A+B").ComputedField = "dbl(%0) + dbl(%1)" With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = 2 End With With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(10),1) = 20 End With End With |
231 |
Is there any function to filter the control's data as I type, so the items being displayed include the typed characters
Dim var_Column With AxG2antt1 var_Column = .Columns.Add("Filter") With var_Column .FilterOnType = True .DisplayFilterButton = True .AutoSearch = EXG2ANTTLib.AutoSearchEnum.exContains End With .Items.AddItem("Canada") .Items.AddItem("USA") End With |
230 |
Is there any function to filter the control's data as I type, something like filter on type
Dim var_Column With AxG2antt1 var_Column = .Columns.Add("Filter") With var_Column .FilterOnType = True .DisplayFilterButton = True End With .Items.AddItem("Canada") .Items.AddItem("USA") End With |
229 |
How can I programmatically filter a column
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Filter") .DisplayFilterButton = True .FilterType = EXG2ANTTLib.FilterTypeEnum.exNonBlanks End With .Items.AddItem() .Items.AddItem("not empty") .ApplyFilter() End With |
228 |
How can I show or display the control's filter
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Filter").DisplayFilterButton = True End With |
227 |
How can I customize the items being displayed in the drop down filter window
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Custom Filter") .DisplayFilterButton = True .DisplayFilterPattern = False .CustomFilter = "Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls )||*.xls|||Word Documents||*.doc|||Powerpoint Presentations||*.pps|||Text Documents (*.log,*.txt)||*." & _ "txt|*.log" .FilterType = EXG2ANTTLib.FilterTypeEnum.exPattern .Filter = "*.xls" End With .Items.AddItem("excel.xls") .Items.AddItem("word.doc") .Items.AddItem("pp.pps") .Items.AddItem("text.txt") .ApplyFilter() End With |
226 |
How can I change the order or the position of the columns in the sort bar
With AxG2antt1 .SortBarVisible = True .SortBarColumnWidth = 48 .Columns.Add("C1").SortOrder = EXG2ANTTLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending .Columns.Add("C2").SortOrder = EXG2ANTTLib.SortOrderEnum.SortDescending .Columns.Item("C2").SortPosition = 0 End With |
225 |
How do I arrange my columns on multiple levels
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("S").Width = 32 .Columns.Add("Level 2").LevelKey = 1 .Columns.Add("Level 3").LevelKey = 1 .Columns.Add("Level 4").LevelKey = 1 .Columns.Add("Level 1").LevelKey = "2" .Columns.Add("Level 2").LevelKey = "2" .Columns.Add("Level 3").LevelKey = "2" .Columns.Add("Level 4").LevelKey = "2" .Columns.Add("E").Width = 32 End With |
224 |
How do I arrange my columns on multiple lines
With AxG2antt1 .HeaderHeight = 32 .Columns.Add("").HTMLCaption = "Line 1<br>Line 2" End With |
223 |
How can I display all cells using HTML format
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("HTML").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellValueFormat) = 1 .Items.AddItem("<font ;12>T</font>his <b>is</b> an <a>html</a> <font Tahoma><fgcolor=FF0000>text</fgcolor></font>.") End With |
222 |
How can I display all cells using multiple lines
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("MultipleLine").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False .Columns.Add("SingleLine").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = True With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem("This is a bit of long text that should break the line"),1) = "this is a bit of long text that's displayed on a single line" End With End With |
221 |
How do change the vertical alignment for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("MultipleLine").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellSingleLine) = False .Columns.Add("VAlign").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellVAlignment) = 2 With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem("This is a bit of long text that should break the line"),1) = "bottom" End With With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem("This is a bit of long text that should break the line"),1) = "bottom" End With End With |
220 |
How do change the foreground color for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("ForeColor").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellForeColor) = 255 .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
219 |
How do change the background color for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("BackColor").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor) = 255 .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
218 |
How do I show buttons for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Button") .Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True .Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellButtonAutoWidth) = True End With .Items.AddItem(" Button 1 ") .Items.AddItem(" Button 2 ") End With |
217 |
How do I show buttons for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Button").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasButton) = True .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
216 |
How do I display radio buttons for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Radio").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasRadioButton) = True .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
215 |
How do I display checkboxes for all cells in the column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Check").Def(EXG2ANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox) = True .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
214 |
How can I display a tooltip when the cursor hovers the column
213 |
Is there any function to assign a key to a column instead using its name or capion
212 |
Is there any function to assign any extra data to a column
211 |
By default, the column gets sorted descending, when I first click its header. How can I change so the column gets sorted ascending when the user first clicks the column's header
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Sort").DefaultSortOrder = True End With |
210 |
How can I specify the maximum width for the column, if I use WidthAutoResize property
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Auto") .WidthAutoResize = True .MinWidthAutoResize = 32 .MaxWidthAutoResize = 128 End With .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
209 |
How can I specify the minimum width for the column, if I use WidthAutoResize property
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Auto") .WidthAutoResize = True .MinWidthAutoResize = 32 End With .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
208 |
Is there any option to resize the column based on its data, captions
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("A").WidthAutoResize = True .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |
207 |
How can I align the icon in the column's header in the center
206 |
How do I align the icon in the column's header to the right
205 |
How do I show or hide the sorting icons, but still need sorting
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Sorted").SortOrder = EXG2ANTTLib.SortOrderEnum.SortAscending .Columns.Item(0).DisplaySortIcon = False End With |
204 |
How do I enable or disable the entire column
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1") .Columns.Add("Disabled").Enabled = False With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(0),1) = "0.1" End With With .Items .CellValue(.AddItem(1),1) = "1.1" End With End With |
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How do I disable drag and drop columns
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("C1").AllowDragging = False .Columns.Add("C2").AllowDragging = False End With |
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How do I disable resizing a column at runtime
With AxG2antt1 .Columns.Add("Unsizable").AllowSizing = False .Columns.Add("C2") .Columns.Add("C3") .Columns.Add("C4") End With |
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How can I align the column to the right, and its caption too
With AxG2antt1 With .Columns.Add("Column") .Alignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment .HeaderAlignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment End With .Items.AddItem(0) .Items.AddItem(1) End With |